Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to Develop a Strong Prayer Life

This past winter break has been such a blessing. The Onething conference in Kansas City has blessed me so much...Mike's teaching on prayer has changed my life. He suggested that we should write down a list of prayers on paper. It is so simple yet effective...I feel focused and consistent! I wanted to share some of Mike's notes on prayer. The Lord has been gracious enough to show me some of the fruits of my labors through prayer...He DOES hear and answer prayers!


It is talking to God. It is at the same time a great privilege, a fierce struggle, and a powerful miracle of the Spirit, who helps us in our weakness in prayer. 

There are different expressions of prayer. There is(but not limited to) devotional prayer (includes prayer-reading the Word and fellowshipping with the Spirit to grow in intimacy with God), intercession for revival and justice, providing prayer covering for individuals, and praying for the sick. By praying these different ways, we can encounter God, do the works of the kingdom, and change the world.

C.)A CONSISTENT prayer life is essential-only through a lifestyle of prayer can we receive the fullness of what God has provided for us.

Why does God want us to pray? He wants us to connect with His heart in deep partnership. Therefore, asking God for everything is a foundational principle of the kingdom. We must specifically ask, and not just think about our need with frustration and desperation.

In everything by prayer...let your requests be made known to God...(Phil. 4:6)
Yet you do not have because you do not ask. (Jas. 4:2)

There are blessings that God as chosen to give, but that He withholds until we ask Him. In this way, He protects His relationship with us by not answering until we connect with Him and ask.

The Lord with wait, that He may be gracious to you...He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you. ( Isa. 30:18-19)

E.) Prayer is never meant to be duty-based or merely results-oriented. Rather, it is the place of encounter with God where our spirit is energized as we grow to love Him more. It positions us to be energized to love God and people by receiving God's love as a Father and a Bridegroom. We love others better as we encounter God's heart. We have time to prayer and minister to people.


A.) Three ways to strengthen our prayer life are: 1) Set a schedule for regular prayer times, 2) make a prayer list, and 3) have a right view of God. A schedule establishes "when" we will pray. A prayer list gives us focus on "what" to pray. A right view of God causes us to "want" to pray.


A. Prayer focuses: When developing a prayer list, it is helpful to think about three prayer focuses.

1. Intimacy: Focuses on giving my love and devotion to God. This type of prayer includes worship, meditation on the Word(prayer-reading it), and fellowshipping with the Spirit.
2. Petition: Asks for God's blessing on my personal life and ministry. We pray for a real breakthrough in our inner man(heart), circumstances(physcial, financial, relational), and ministry, that God's power would be released through our hands, words and deeds.
3. Intercession: Asks for God's power or justice for others(people, places, strategic issues).
a) Prayer for people and places: Individuals in ministries, marketplace, and government, and for the destiny of ministries, cities, or nations.
b) Prayer for strategic issues in society: Government, oppression (human trafficking, abortion), natural disasters (hurricanes, droughts), diseases, etc. 

Prayer themes: When developing a prayer list, it is helpful to understand three prayer themes.
1. Gifts of the Spirit: God's power and favor being released
2. Fruit of the Spirit: God's character formed in us or others
3. Wisdom of the Spirit: God's mind(the spirit of revelation) imparted to us

To be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man...(Eph.3:16)

F- Fear of God: Father, release the spirit of the fear of God into my heart (Ps.86:11)
E-Endurance(perseverance): Strengthen my spirit with endurance to do Your will (Col. 1:11)
L-Love: Father, pour out Your love into my heart (Phil. 1:9)
L-Light of glory: Father, let me see the light of Your glory (Acts 22:6-11;Ex 33:18; Ps. 4:6)
O-One thing life focus: I choose to be a person of one thing, who sits at Your feet (Ps. 27:4)
W-Count me worthy: Strengthen me to have a worthy response to God in my life (2 Thes. 1:11)
S-Speech: Father, set a guard over my lips and free me from sinful speech (Eph. 4:29; Ps. 141:3)
H-Humility: Jesus, I want to learn from You how to walk in lowliness (Mt. 11:29)
I-Insight unto intimacy (wisdom): Give me insight into your Word, will and ways (Col. 1:9)
P-Peace and Joy: Strengthen my heart with peace and joy that overpower fear (Phil. 4:7)