Monday, October 4, 2010


am now into the 4th week of my sophomore year at Azusa Pacific University. This year has been a trip. God has been moving rapidly, I don't know where to even begin! First of all, I am eternally grateful for all the people God has placed in my life. He has been reminding me that I am not running this LIFE marathon alone :) Let's carry the torch to the finish line and end strong, together. You know who you people are! By the grace of God, I have been blessed with awesome spiritual mothers and fathers who have poured into my life. I thank you for all and I love you so much!

I can go on and on about what God has been doing, but I am afraid that this blog post will become a book. Which reminds me, I need to finish reading "The Purple Pig" book by Dick Eastman before I go to the much is going on, but life is an adventure with my friend, Holy Spirit :) 

I am happy to say that I have definitely grown to find my identity, which is found in Christ Jesus. It has been a year filled with blessings, joy, love, and memories. It has also been a year of wilderness and desert season, but despite all the hardship and blessings, despite all of this, it has led me to truly realize that:

I am a bride of Christ. 

I am a bold warrior for Christ. 

I know that I am an instrument of Christ.

I know that I am a honey-mouth for Christ.

I know that I am a beautiful daughter of Christ.

Reflecting on the beginning of this year,  I've realized that I made many mistakes and have countless failures in my life. Especially when God revived me right before my freshman year at APU started. I was a naive girl on fire for God, with little spiritual direction. I apologize for all of my foolish actions towards anyone in the past or handled certain issues in an incorrect manner. I thank the Lord for immediately providing me the guidance from my spiritual mothers and fathers :)

With that being said, I am now more confident in myself because I am confident in Him. I am learning more about His love. Sure, I know that I have SO much more to learn... it's as if I am having another "coming of age" moment, and I am strangely excited to see what the Lord has in store!


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